* The template Name:Contact Us Template
* This is the template that displays all pages by default.
* Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages and that other
* ‘pages’ on your WordPress site will use a different template.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Vaimports
* @since Vaimports 1.0

get_header(); ?>

$title_descriptions = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),’wpcf-page-title-descriptions’,TRUE);
echo ‘


}else{ ?>


‘, ‘link_before’ => ”, ‘link_after’ => ” ) ); ?>

President Jay W. Colston, III Allison Jacob Earl Freeman
VP/General Sales Manager: Mike Rowe Cindy Savage John Bryant
Senior Chain Manager: Sean O’Brien Dan George John Cubbage
Chain Manager: Matt Evans Guy Bell
Club Store and Beer Mgr: John Taylor Jason Danfora
Off-Premise Sales Manager: Sham Elshafie Lauren Klos
On-Premise Sales Manager: Barry Newmiller Ray Rayasse
Off-Premise Field Manager: Karen Jaslow Stephanie Mennitt
Off-Premise Field Manager: Rick Dixon Tatiana Elshafie
Off-Premise Field Manager: LaShaun Holman Todd Bennett
Off-Premise Field Manager: David Peck Tom Mosack
On Premise Field Manager: Jeff Dixon Troy Bock
On-Premise Key Account Manager: John Barth
On Premise National Accounts Sales: Stephanie Mennitt
Total Wine &Club Store Field Mgr: Kent Cunningham
Accounts Receivable: Deborah O’Donnell Aaron Kincaid Jimmy Yu
Accounts Payable : Ashley Shiflett Brandy Steele Kassie Masters
Administrative Sales Support: Pamala Weinlein Caitlin Moore Lori Holdahl
Customer Service/Receptionist: Charlene Smith Carlye Smith Mark Kiger
Customer Service: Sharon Weinlein Claude Gibson Noel Hernandez
Customer Service/ Depletions: Elaine Weller Danny Donahue Paul Customer
Driver Manager : Danny Cranford Dave Sisson Russell Roch
Office Manager/ IT Manager: Corey Koneczny David Bademian Paul Boyum
Operations Manager: Art Cohen Dominic Scurti Ryan Desierto
Assistant Operations Manager : Mike Rector Doug Jaslow Scott Honeycutt
Personnel Admin: Diane Mathes Eric Wells Shannon Ivester
Purchasing: Larry Kahn Felix Krayeski Sheila Kelley
Fredo Vieira Sherry Young
Heather Workman Tyler Weaver
Jelani Coleman Will Drake
James Shiflett
Ananias Cooper David Ward Omega Dean Richard Hughes
Bryan Childress George Washington Pernell Walters Robert Kelly
Ceceil Manns James Fields Philip Haskins Robert Zanders
Clinton Mickle Keisha Childs Rajhoma Tambwe Rodney Scott
Curtis Daniel Kevin Simmons Reginald Williams Vincent Miller
Danny Cranford, Jr Markarious Burton Rich Herget Walter Hall

For Driver, Warehouse, Sales positions please contact : Hiring@vaimports.net